Traditional Media
Relations In
A Social World

Welcome to the media revolution where McKendall Communications is keeping on top of the rollercoaster, and we would love to take you with us! While social media has become the storytelling darling, traditional media relations remain key to the awareness-building mix. At McKC, we’re not just proactive; we’re reactive, hopping on opportunities l as they come up.

We are fun, friendly, fast, and fairly priced! Not to mention strategic, creative, well-connected, and highly successful.

Traditional Media Relations In A Social World

Welcome to the media revolution where McKendall Communications is keeping on top of the rollercoaster, and we would love to take you with us! While social media has become the storytelling darling, traditional media relations remain key to the awareness-building mix. At McKC, we’re not just proactive; we’re reactive, hopping on opportunities l as they come up.

We are fun, friendly, fast, and fairly priced! Not to mention strategic, creative, well-connected, and highly successful.

We offer a variety of services that can fit in any budget. These services include:

  • Traditional Media Relations
  • Consumer Branding
  • Strategic Planning
  • Media Training
  • Public Relations Training
  • Special Events/Trade Shows/Conferences

We offer a variety of services that can fit in any budget. These services include:

  • Traditional Media Relations
  • Consumer Branding
  • Strategic Planning
  • Media Training
  • Public Relations Training
  • Special Events/Trade Shows/Conferences

McKendall Communications has expertise in a wide range of industries including:

  • Consumer Products
  • Toys
  • Kids/Parenting
  • Retail
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Video Gaming
  • Home
  • Housing

McKendall Communications has expertise in a wide range of industries including:

  • Consumer Products
  • Toys
  • Kids/Parenting
  • Retail
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Video Gaming
  • Home
  • Housing

McKendall Communications is based in Boise, Idaho, but we are nationally connected. We can work with you whether you like a project-based collaboration or a retainer arrangement. We pride ourselves on being small enough to work quickly and efficiently but connected in the media world through our years of experience to get results.